Harvest Cabbage

Pick it, prep it, & enjoy it! Harvesting the cabbage at the end of the winter gardening season yielded 9 smalls heads of three different types of cabbage. Think large Brussel Sprouts. The result was a delicious crisp vegetable with that homegrown pride.

I used the 5” Santoku Knife with the Cutting Mat. And, the best thing about the Medium Stainless Mixing Bowl is everything will fit perfectly in the 6 Qt Enameled Cast Iron Dutch Oven! Add the Teak Wooden Corner Spoon for easy stirring.


  • Cabbage
  • Half a large white onion
  • 1 TBSP Bacon Grease
  • 1/2 cup water
  • Salt & Pepper
  • 1/3 cup White Vinegar
  • Parsley


  1. Saute the diced onion with salt and pepper in the bacon grease until translucent.
  2. Add the water
  3. Top with all of the cabbage.
  4. Salt & Pepper & Parsley to taste.
  5. Add vinegar, and steam on low heat until cabbage is tender. I like mine with just a little bit of crunch.

Vegetables are one of the keys to #eatlessmovemoreprayalot. They fill you up while they are super low in calories. Pair with 4-6 oz of chicken for a great meal. #jennskitchenblog #howipamperedchef #jwrkitchen