8 Servings
Difficulty: Medium
Prep Time: 15 Mins
Cook Time:
5 Mins
Total Time:
20 Mins
We fry a lot of food when friends come over for a holiday. It’s easy to serve, and easy for everyone to enjoy. Father’s Day came along, and my husband and I had gone fishing the weekend before. So, naturally, fried trout was on the menu for His Big Day. What goes with fried fish better than Hushpuppies!
They cook evenly when they are the same size. I like about 2 bites in each little drop of golden deliciousness. So, I drop them into the hot, clean 375 degree oil with the Pampered Chef Medium Scoop.
The Hushpuppies get fried first and served as the appetizer.
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Don't boil the milk; boiling will cause the flavor to be a little sour.