“How do you lose weight when you cook & post all of this good food?”
Over the last year, I have been asked this question at least once a day, it seems. On July 29, 2019, I saw a picture of myself, and made a decision to be healthier. It is posted here for you as an accountability. It was not an easy decision to make a change. I liked my lifestyle, and I am a person that really loves to eat good food. I love everything about it. I hate exercising on top of it.

So, how do I lose weight when I cook delicious food and bake beautiful cakes?
The answer is this:
- Eat Less: Pay attention to What I Eat And How Much I Eat
- Move More: Pay attention to Exercise, and actually do it.
- Pray A Lot (I could probably move this to #1)
Everything is a budget. It could be calories or cash; the transaction is the same. You need to have more cash coming in than going out, and, you need to spend more calories than you take in. You can eat anything you really want as long as you track it HONESTLY and do enough movement (steps, treadmill, swimming, whatever) to make the balance of your weekly calories 3500 less than you needed. This is my secret to losing 1 lb/week for a year. Water is FREE! Drink your water, at least 8 glasses per day. If you want a piece of cake, walk around the block a few times, and then enjoy your slice of cake. (Then share the rest with all of your neighbors.) #eatlessmovemoreprayalot
Then, AND THIS IS IMPORTANT, pick your favorite App, and TRACK YOUR FOOD AND EXERCISE. My personal favorite is Lose It, and I have linked it up for you right here. http://loseit.com

Same place one year later
50 lbs lighter
Even sunglasses look different.
Doing the same thing and expecting different results is the definition of insanity, right? So, it is time to do something different. I will post recipes that are low calorie, and I will also post recipes that are higher in calories. I promise to keep everything with simple ingredients that are easy to track. And, I will give you a few hints on how to make your own spices and seasonings at home. These spice recipes will really taste good, and they will help you know exactly what you eat.
I do have affiliated links in my posts, which means I will get a small commission off of the things that you click and buy. Thank you for taking a minute to read. I would love for you to send me emails about what recipes you would like to see.